Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Is it hard to give up the dogs you foster?
A: I keep the big picture in mind: I have to save as many dogs as possible. If I clog up my house with dogs, then I can't rescue any more. With that in mind, it is easier to say goodbye as they leave to their new and loving home. It's also a great way to meet and "own" them for a little while. Sometimes it's a little difficult and I miss the dogs but that is be completely unavoidable.
Q: Who pays for the costs of fostering the dog?
A: Long Island Golden Retriever Rescue picks up all of the costs except for food and other incidentals. But you "own" the dog for the short time they are with you. What's one more mouth to feed? A few cents a day? Medical costs, shelter fees, boarding and grooming are all taken care of by the organization.
Q: Where does the money come from?
A: All of the money comes from private contributions. There is a fee for surrendering a dog (although these people are often dirtbags and don't pay the cost of cleaning up their mess) and there is also an adoption fee (which is considerably cheaper than a pet store) but these fees almost never cover the cost of caring for these dogs. Many need to be sapyed or neutered as well as other vet costs. Money is raised by selling t-shirts, raffle tickets and outright donations.

Q: How do the fosters get along with my own dogs?
A: Buddy, my yellow lab, loves other dogs. He gets along really well with them. Lily, my petite golden, will tolerate other dogs as long as they keep their distance. If they get in her face, she will warn them away. It rarely comes down to a fight but scuffles are not uncommon in new "packs" as the dogs find their dominance rankings.

Q: What do you do with the dog when you are at work?
A: It depends on the dog. If I'm not sure about the dog's behavior, I'll crate it while I'm out. If I'm so-so about the dog, I'll gate it in the kitchen. After I get to know the dog and everything is OK, the dog will have the run of the house like my own two do.

Q: What do you do with the dog if you go away on vacation?
A: There's a few options depending on the temperament of the dog. You can leave the dog at home and have a dog sitter pop in to care for it. You can send it to another foster home for the duration. Or as a last resort a dog can be borded at a vet's office.

Q: Can I foster?
A: Go to the LIGRR website and fill out an application. You will be visited and if all goes well, you can.
Q: Can I adopt a Golden?
A: Go to the LIGRR website and fill out an application. You will be interviewed on the phone, a home visit will be conducted by someone in the group and references may be checked.
Q: How much time and commitment does it take?
A: As much as you want. We are volunteers and can't be fired! You're allowed to take in as many foster dogs as you want (as long as it doesn't become dangerous for the family or the dogs). Some people quietly foster a dog every once in a while. Others have a revolving door. Other volunteers can no longer take fosters because they've kept too many and theit house is full, but they are still active. They can fund raise, set up events, coordinate schedules, transport dogs, temperament test dogs, scan shelters for goldens- the list goes on.